Friday, August 22, 2014

I am a Fighter!

As I sit and think about all the events that have gone on this past week, I cannot help but to feel a sense of despair and pain. Our men are being murdered by those who have been hired and trained to protect and serve our communities. It grieves me deeply while watching the images of our people crying, yelling, marching, protesting, and at the end of the day—searching for help in a country that has not been of any assistance to them. It grieves me that our people have not come any further than in the days of old, in which Jim Crow reigned and we were terrorized by the deep melanin tones of our skin.
But, to add insult to injury, we have become desensitized to these types of tragedies. The term “black on black crime” seeps out of the pores of the very individuals that have been disenfranchised and oppressed for the greater part of 400 years , here in the assumed “land of the free, home of the brave”. Meanwhile, the perpetrators continue to live freely and the killings continue. From Ferguson, to Detroit, to Florida, New York, to California—our men continue to perish. The value placed on the life of our sisters and brothers is extremely undervalued. Some people in this country place more importance in the abuse of animals than their black neighbor. And to add to it, the mentality of “well we kill each other so we shouldn’t be upset”, continues to permeate the atmosphere and we have taken a backseat to eh issue at hand. People actually think that because there are crimes in our communities that  surely we should not feel any remorse at the deaths of Michael Brown, Ezell Ford, and the countless others . This ideal is the most atrocious thing I have heard during this entire ordeal.
It is my belief that each life, no matter how insignificant to those who murder and maim , was ordained and intended to be lived. The Most High has no respect of persons and if he had not intended for that individual to live, He would not have breathed life into that person. So, what are we to do in a world in which the police or your brother decides to murder?
We are to fight. Not with guns, not with words, but with love, patience, and most of all, solidarity and intelligence. The fight we are fighting never ended. The Golden Age of the Civil Rights movement, the conscious awakening in the 80’s and 92’s was replaced by complacency. Instead of us continuing to ensure that our people had a chance, we began to become gossipers and observers instead of doers. We are losing the fight. It is time for us to stand united and speak our against injustice and oppressive tactics that have plaqued us for so long.
I am fighting . I am fighting every day. It is my deepest desire to leave this world in a better condition than when I entered. There are many of us who feel as deeply and as passionately as I do. There are more than the world realizes. We are fighting, we are protesting, we are marching, we are boycotting. We will be heard! We will not stop! We are growing and organizing more and more every day so watch out. We are coming!!

“It takes consistent resistance to effect substantial change!”

 -Andre’a “The Lioness”

Friday, August 8, 2014

Life of a Lioness

I have begun studying the life of lions, in particular the she-lion or the lioness. It seems that the more I carry the name “The Lioness”, I am understanding why this name seems to follow and grow on me. Here are a few fun but important facts about the lioness and her life:

1.       They live longer than their male counterparts

2.       The pride or group of lions have a dozen or so lionesses in the pride and they hunt together and help raise their cubs together

3.       The lionesses are successful hunters and use an approach of teamwork to stalk and capture prey

4.       They are very protective of the family and are wary of outside “non-familial” lionesses.


In reading about the lionesses, I identified many of these attributes within myself. I truly believe in sisterhood and working together towards a common goal. I often tell people that I don’t have friends; I have family members. I definitely am protective of my family as well as my bonus family members and their children. I view them as my own children and love them all.

My study of lions has helped me identify three key characteristics that we all need to survive in the world today—courage, strength, and unity. Courage grows and develops your strength and unity multiplies it. If we unify for a common goal, we can strike a mighty blow. It is my hope that you will join me in my #weareconquerors movement. More things to come for my Lions & Lionesses!! We are taking over!


One Love,


Wednesday, August 6, 2014


There is so much turmoil and trouble in the world. I sat on the side of my bed this morning and watched the multiple stories of hurricanes forming, massive hacking attacks, wars, tour bus accidents in Times Square, Ebola outbreaks on the mother continent and my soul was immediately troubled. I shook my head but then I prayed. I prayed for the Most High to give comfort to those who are hurting, solace for those who have experienced loss, calm to the seas, and healing to those afflicted. I did not work today and had every intention of laying around and enjoying the comfort of doing “absolutely nothing’, but then I watched the news. I could not go back to bed. Times are changing in this world and we all are a part of the shift. I will not give up hope that we as humans can improve. We were created from love in the mind of God. God is love and we were created in His image. Love will prevail because love conquers all.

Peace & Blessings,

John 16:33—“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But, take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Connect with me on my website You can also find me on Twitter @Lovelylocs81 and Facebook (Andrea Lioness DeBerry).